
Other Treatments

“Sleep” Through Procedures With IV Sedation

If you are highly anxious or fearful about undergoing a dental surgery or procedure, you’ll benefit from IV sedation. Unlike other options, IV sedation lets you “sleep” comfortably through your appointment.

Sedation dentistry keeps you comfortable during dental procedures. It’s helpfull for people with dental anxiety or for those who are undergoing lengthy treatment.

People of all ages can benefit from sedation dentistry, including children. Dentists often recommend this option for those with:

  • Dental anxiety.
  • A fear of visiting the dentist.
  • An overly sensitive gag reflex.
  • A fear of needles (aichmophobia).
  • Extreme teeth sensitivity.
  • Feelings of claustrophobia while in the dental chair.
  • Decreased sensitivity to local anesthesia.
  • Difficulty controlling movements.

What Happens Before Sedation Dentistry?

You will talk with your dentist about sedation options during your initial consultation and discuss your health history. Once all the necessary information, your dentist make sedation recommendations based on your specific needs. 

In most cases, you shouldn’t eat or drink anything for at least six hours before your dental appointment. Unless otherwise noted by your dentist, you should take all routine medications without interruption.

Be sure to tell your dentist if you’re taking any blood thinners. They may ask you to skip these medications for a few days leading up to your procedure.

How Can I Start The Process?
If you are ready to start the journey towards a life-changing smile, contact us to schedule a free consultation today!

What Happens During Sedation Dentistry?

Your doctor gives you sedative medications before beginning your procedure. You’ll still receive local anesthetic to numb your teeth and gums, but your doctor usually does this once you’re already feeling comfortable from the sedatives.


What Are The Advantages Of Sedation Dentisrty?

Sedation dentistry eases anxieties and phobias, helping you remain calm and comfortable during dental procedures. Because your dentist can often work faster when you’re under sedation, it can result in fewer appointments. Finally, many people have so much dental anxiety that they avoid going to the dentist altogether. Sedation dentistry helps you feel more comfortable so you can receive the care you need and deserve.

How Can I Start The Process?
If you are ready to start the journey towards a life-changing smile, contact us to schedule a free consultation today!

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