

Get Your Perfect Smile With Invisalign

Straight teeth are the basis of a confident smile. Many of our clients asking for straight teeth for years. Taking the first step to a perfect smile is easy at Dentince. We offer Invisalign and fixed braces to achieve the best results. Many of our patients from abroad chose invisalign treatment. Book a FREE consultation with our Orthodontic Specialist . At your consultation, we will discuss the options to suit you, and make sure all your questions are answered. During your consultation, our doctor will listen to you and advise on how you can achieve the smile you have always wanted. We will explain how the Invisalign invisible braces tooth straightening system works and discuss if it is right for you.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a series of clear, custom-fitted aligners that straighten your teeth without metal wires or brackets.

Using advanced 3D computer imaging technology during the consultation process, we will create a treatment plan based on your unique smile.

A series of custom clear aligners will then be manufactured to fit your teeth precisely during each stage of the Invisalign treatment process.

How Does Invisalign Process Work?

Invisalign clear aligners are designed to move your teeth by tiny increments as your treatment progresses. You will wear each aligner for about two weeks before it is replaced by the next one in the series. This process will continue until your teeth are in their  correct positions. The duration of your Invisalign treatment will be determined by your dentist based on your specific needs.
How Can I Start The Process?
If you are ready to start the journey towards a life-changing smile, contact us to schedule a free consultation today!

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

Your dentist will determine the duration of your Invisalign treatment based on your specific needs.

Invisalign consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable braces or aligners that you change regularly as your teeth move into place. When your teeth comes to the righ positon and you’re finished wearing each aligner in the series, your treatment will be complete.

How many times should I visit clinic?

Since Invisalign aligners require no adjustments or tightening – you just switch to a new set of aligners every two weeks – your dentist will schedule online meeting times with you for your questions and progress of treatment.You will need 1 or 2 visit to clinic. During these appointments, your dentist will take the opportunity to review your progress , answer your questions, and adjust your treatment as required.

Are there any food or drink restrictions?

To avoid staining aligners, we recommend removing them when you consume drinks  such as wine, coffee, or tea.

Invisalign aligners are removable, you should take them out when eating.So you can eat whatever you want.


Invisalign Treatment With Digital Dental Technology

Computer technology allows us to show you a 3D image of what your teeth will look like when  your Invisalign treatment is complete. , we will use a digital scanner to create a 3D image of your smile and Show how it could look  like with Invisalign treatment.

What To Expect During Treatment With Invisalign

Invisalign clear aligners from Dentince Dental  Clinic are a convenient treatment option for straightening your smile without wearing traditional braces.

We will begin by examining your smile to determine if Invisalign is right for you. Next, we will use a digital scanner to create a 3D image of your smile and Show how it could look like with Invisalign treatment.

Dental impressions of your teeth are taken so your clear aligners can be made.We are taking digital impressions with 3D dental scanners.

We will produce series of custom Invisalign clear aligners just for you. You will wear them each day, removing them to eat, drink, brush and floss. As your treatment progresses, your aligners will gradually begin to shift your teeth.

Approximately every 2 weeks, you will switch to the next set of clear aligners. You will also have brief checkups with our specialist – every six weeks or so – to review your progress. With Invisalign (vs. braces), you’ll spend less time in our office during treatment.
It’s an exciting day when you reach the end of your treatment! During your final appointment, we will discuss next steps with you, and prescribe retainers to keep your teeth in their new positions.

Take our Invisalign Smile Assessment. Complete our 30 second Smile Assessment to see if Invisalign might be a fit for you.

How Can I Start The Process?
If you are ready to start the journey towards a life-changing smile, contact us to schedule a free consultation today!

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Contact us to make an appointment or ask questions.

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